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competition information (2)
All times listed are subject to change, please refer to the schedule, printed schedule handed out at orientation and announcements made by TDC officials for any changes in the schedule.

Tent Information

GMTA has two preferred Tent vendors.

Atlanta Event Rentals @ 770-623-0515 mention the GA TDC @ Lake Lanier.

T3 Event Rentals @ 770-887-6142 and mention GA TDC @ Lake Lanier.


Tent Information

Please provide GMTA with your tent size when you are registering drivers for the TDC so we can have a space for you. NOTE: This is not a reservation for a tent, but a space for a tent that you, Atlanta Event Rentals or any other vendor may provide.  GMTA Does not provide tents, tables, chairs, or other event rentals. 

Tents may be set up from 9 am - 12 pm on May 7th. After that the course will be closed, NO EXCEPTIONS. Companies using Atlanta Event Rentals may have tents set up before Wednesday. GMTA is working directly with them to make arrangements and the proper layout of tents.

Each company is assigned a specific spot around the course. A map will be provided via email before the TDC.

Tent Tear Down: Tents may not be taken down until the last driver runs on Friday. Unless other arrangements are made, all tents should be picked up before 5:00 pm on Saturday.

The information below is on the particiapant's page and important for each competitor to know.

As a company representative, we encourage you to review this information and ensure your participants are familiar with it as well. 

Deadlines & Punctuality

All participating companies, managers, and contestants must meet required deadlines and be prompt for all events.  Failure to meet the deadlines and/or tardiness will result in disqualification.

Facebook Group

We invite everyone involved in the TDC to join the GA TDC Facebook Group.

Facts For Drivers

This is the study guide for the written exam and the driving competition. Facts for Drivers books are not provided by GMTA and can be purchased from ATA. Click Here. 

Closed Course

No one is allowed in the TDC Course area, Grand Hall Lot or Pavilion unless it is during the hours of the competition. Anyone found in the restricted areas before or after hours will be subject to disqualification of themselves and/or their company.  This includes drivers, spouses, children, friends, company officials or anyone who should not be in the competition area.

Running Order

A running order will be posted in the lobby of the hotel on Wednesday.

Electronic Devices

Cell phones, cameras, recording devices, devices that can receive data, send data and/or signal notifications are NOT allowed at registration, in the grand hall, in the ballroom, on the course, or in the driver’s possession during any phase of the competition (Registration – End of competition). This includes smartwatches, fit bands, or any device viewed as questionable by TDC Officials. This includes Thursday morning at registration! 

Participants with these devices in their possession will be disqualified and given a score of 0 for all competition events. That zero score will go against the team score.

Appearance of Contestants

The Georgia Truck Driving Championship is a professional event that displays the skills of Georgia’s best professional drivers. To that end, all contestants must adhere to the event’s appearance and attire guidelines. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

All contestants’ hair shall be of natural color (i.e., blond, black, brown, red, or grey) and not such that would diminish the professional uniform. Fluorescent or similar dyed hair colors are prohibited.

Every Contestant must wear the recognized uniform of their motor carrier during the competition. If the contestant’s company does not have a uniform, contestants are expected to dress in a way that projects a positive and professional image. All contestants must wear a collared shirt and a belt, as no pants sagging will be acceptable. No T-shirts, No sweatpants, No gym shorts.

Rookie Orientation

There is a mandatory orientation Thursday @ 7:00 AM for competitors joining us for the first time. Get to know the other competitors, the committee, GMTA Staff and learn more about what your time at the GA TDC will look like.

Onsite Registration

Thursday at 7:00 am is Rookie orientation and registration in the Veranda Room.  This orientation is ONLY for rookies.

Thursday at 7:10 am Driver Registration & Check-In @ the Legacy Lodge Lobby Bar area. Drivers who are absent for registration will be subject to disqualification.  We will not register drivers before 7:10 unless they are rookies and attending the rookie orientation.  DO NOT COME TO THE BALLROOM AREA OR REGISTRATION before 7:10 unless you are attending rookie orientation. 

Rookie Drivers will check in and receive their registration packet at rookie orientation.

You will be given a badge at registration. You must wear it during the competition.

Driver Orientation

All drivers must be present for orientation.

Orientation will be held Thursday morning at 8:20 am.


Contestants must finish all practice for the competition before registration. Participants found practicing after registration will be disqualified.

Written Test

Thursday at 7:45 am @ the Grand Ballroom 

 Please make sure not to sit next to other competitors from your company.

Do not need to bring anything with you to the written test.

Course Walk

The course walk will be at the Grand Hall Parking Lot the day you drive, please refer to the schedule for the appropriate times. Please refer to the attached map for where to meet. An updated map and location will be reviewed during orientation.

The course walk will take 15 minutes, and contestants may not ask questions during the course walk.

You may not pace off the course or measure problems between problems or equipment. You may not have phones, smart watches, or pedometers. Based on input from past contestants, we will have people watching for any violations of this rule.

Please do not rely on the position of cones and other course objects or objects around the course for measuring points, as they can and will be moved throughout the competition.

Holding Area

All drivers will be assigned holding groups. Once you have completed your event for Thursday, you are free until Friday morning, and then you must report back to your assigned holding area. 

Dinner & Ceremony Information

If you are joining us for the Friday evening dinner, it begins at 5:30 pm on Friday, May 10th at Peachtree Point Pavillion.

The 2024 Awards ceremony will be held at the Peachtree Point Amphitheatre @ 7:00 pm and is open to all friends and family of the drivers.

For more information, schedule and to purchase additional dinner tickets, click here.

Free Time & Driver Discussion

You can watch the competition during your free time, but you are not allowed on the course or in or around the pre-trip area.

Violating any of these regulations may result in disqualification from the competition. You should not discuss the details of the course or pre-trip with other contestants.

Grand Hall Area Map

For a map of the course area, click here.