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This guide provides comprehensive guidance for companies interested in participating in the Georgia Truck Driving Championship (TDC). It outlines essential steps, from reviewing competition details and deciding participation parameters to registering drivers, submitting required forms, and booking hotel accommodations. This guide serves as a roadmap to navigate the registration process effectively and ensure a seamless experience at the GA TDC.

Competition Participation Details For You and Your Company

1. Review the following

2. Decide Things

  • Who will be the Company Primary Contact for the TDC?
  • Do you have Additional Contacts for the TDC that need to be kept in the loop?
  • What level of Sponsorship would you like to do this year?
  • What size tent is your company bringing or renting?
  • How many extra dinner tickets does your company need?
    • Note: Each driver receives a ticket for themselves and a guest. You don’t need to include them, or any tickets included in your sponsorship in your total.
  • How many drivers will your company have in the TDC?

3. Register & Pay online for the TDC before March 14th

  1. Go to the registration page on the GMTA Website – Click Here
  2. Enter your email address and click GO
    • If the email address is NOT in our database – enter your name, then click continue.
    • If the email address is in our database – confirm your name, then click continue.
  3. Click the plus sign to add a Company Primary Point of Contact.
    • You can only add 1; this person will be the one in communication with GMTA the most, both leading up to the TDC and will be onsite. This Contact is required to complete registration.
  4. Click the plus sign to add Additional Company Official Contacts you would like to have kept informed of TDC info.
  5. Select a Sponsor Level. Click here for Sponsor Information and what is included.
  6. Click Continue
  7. Enter each point of contact information. You can search for them in our database by typing their name and hitting search or Entering their contact information.
    • The Company's Primary Point of Contact is first.
      • Under Additional Information, you are required to enter the Tent Space Needed
    • The Additional Company Official Contacts Info will be next.
    • If you selected a sponsorship, please enter the sponsor info.
  8. Click Continue
  9. Please select how many Dinner tickets you need; you can purchase them in quantities of 10, 5, and 1.
  10. Enter the number of drivers you want to register for the GA TDC.
  11. Click Continue
  12. Complete registration by entering your Payment Information and clicking Pay Now.

You will receive a confirmation email from GMTA that will include your receipt.

You will receive a detailed email and be directed to a detail page for all things TDC and all the information needed to complete your driver entries.

4. Entry submissions are due before March 17th

  • No late or incomplete entries can be accepted.
  • Details on filling out the forms are below.
  • No refunds are given for incomplete registrations.
  • All forms must be typed or submitted electronically using the instructions below.

Check the following:

The driver has the correct endorsements for the class of entry

There are no more than 6 drivers for class from your company (excluding returning champions)

5. Driver Entry Form Submissions

  • All driver entries must be submitted via an electronic form, which is available here. 
    • There are two options for completing this form:
      1. You may enter all the required and additional registration information electronically and upload the driver entry & release and an MVR for each contestant.
      2. You may enter the required information and then upload the additional registration information, driver entry & release and an MVR for each contestant.
  • To submit the entry forms, either electronically or via upload for your drivers, you will need the following information:

    1. Driver Entry and Release (page 1 TDC ENTRY FORM; this must be uploaded)
      • Review all of the information on this form with your driver.
      • Verify the driver has the CDL Requirements and their eligibility for the class of entry and competition. They are listed on the form.
      • Signatures may be electronic by both the entering manager and driver
    2. Driver Registration (page 2 TDC ENTRY FORM, linked above. This can either be entered electronically or uploaded)
      • Fill in all information on the form. Drivers with incomplete forms are not eligible to compete.
    3. Receipt of Information and Finalist Information
      • The Driver must certify they have received, read and understand the rules, requirements and entry qualifications of the GA Truck Driving Championship and National Truck Driving Championships.
      • Select two songs that may be played should an award be given at the Award Ceremony.
    4. Current MVR showing the Driver’s Proper Endorsements
      • Must be pulled within six months of the GA TDC and show that the driver's medical card is valid.
      • A CDL copy is NOT necessary, as the information is provided on the MVR.
      • Please note the following:
        • If a driver's CDL or Medical card expires by April 1st, a new license or Medical card must be provided by April 15th before they can compete.
        • As the entering company, you must ensure each driver meets the eligibility criteria. Each driver must have a valid CDL with appropriate endorsements, a clean accident record, and a current Med Card at the time of competition. GMTA will validate the class winner's information and disqualify participants without current or valid information, including eligibility for team trophies.  

You will receive a confirmation email with all of your company information from Emily.  Please respond to confirm that all info is correct. 

Additional Steps

Facts for Drivers

Order Facts for Driver Books from ATA for each competitor.  Click here to order. 

Hotel Reservations

An email will be sent to you the week of March 17th, confirming instructions on how to make reservations using the information provided in the hotel request form. 

You agree to the following when you enter drivers into the GA Truck Driving Championship and make a reservation in our group block:

  • All rooms are subject to the approval of GMTA, and priority will be given to registered Drivers and then Registered Volunteers.
  • All room reservations must be confirmed with names by March 27th.
  • Rooms reserved and returned to the block after March 27th will be subject to a per room per night fee from GMTA.

Tent Contact

GMTA has two preferred Tent vendors.

Atlanta Event Rentals @ 770-623-0515 mention the GA TDC @ Lake Lanier.

T3 Event Rentals @ 770-887-6142 and mention GA TDC @ Lake Lanier